Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Porn Sunday

Porn Sunday is coming soon to Eastside Church in Hamilton New Zealand...

As I research the subject, and hear people's struggles I am amazed at the wide spread cancer that has infected our communities. The Web site estimates there are 4.2 million pornographic sites online with 40 million visitors daily. I think that if everyone in church honestly answered the question, 'Have you viewed porn in the last month' that we would fall off of our seats as we saw just so many hands going up.

If you are struggling with porn...
1) Know that you are not alone
2) Get help... will power will never get you out of this mess
3) Ask Jesus to change you from the inside out... and stay away from anything that can lure you back to your old ways

Getting back to point 2... click THIS LINK to get free accountability software.
Although the above 3 points might seem simple... the process is no easy one. It will possibly be the greatest challenge that you have faced in your life!!!
But you don't need to stay where you're at...

Godspeed & Kaizan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's fantastic that the church is confronting this kind of subject and empowering people to change. It's too easy to stick our heads in the sand and pretend these things don't affect our church population. Sadly, they do. I have to admit, my first reaction to your opening here was, 'What?!' However having checked my initial reaction, I think it's a good thing. Will you have something in place for people who want someone to be accountable to going forward and someone to talk to about their struggle? Let's tackle the tough topics. Through loving people where they are at, we'll be able to deal with these issues before they become addictions - or heal existing addictions. And letting people know we're not scared of such issues gives them the freedom to come forward where they may otherwise feel they have to hide.