Wednesday, 15 April 2009

For The Men...

Mark Driscoll did a fantastic hard hitting message called Trial: Marriage and Men.
In it he discusses 8 catergories that men can tend to fall into:

2. Your Manhood

Like Adam, the sins of men fall into two general categories: sins of comission (doing what you’re not supposed to do) and sins of omission (not doing what you’re supposed to do). This leads chauvinistic or cowardly tendencies:


  1. No Sissy Stuff Sam: whatever women do, do the opposite
  2. Success and Status Stewart: masculinity = material success
  3. Give’em Hell Hank: angry and abusive
  4. I’m the Boss Bob: domineering and controlling; in authority, not under authority


  1. Little Boy Larry: never grew up, disorganized, lives with his mother, etc.
  2. Sturdy Oak Owen: absolutely dependable but emotionally absent
  3. Hyper-Spiritual Henry: Hides behind religious behavior and “God talk.” Talks at you but not to you.
  4. Good Time Gary: irresponsible life of the party
(the full summary of the message is available HERE.)

There is some really challenging stuff here for us guys, so if you want to watch the message or listen to the audio see below:



Let me know what you thought of the message.


Kev said...

Wow, what a message, still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground. Gonna be doing this in lifegroup :) looking forward to the response

Clive Smit said...

Thats cool Kev, lt us all know how it went down at your lifegroup.