Thursday, 24 April 2008

Tommy's Porn Testimony

I have had a few requests for the Tommy testimony that was supposed to be on my post: Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag. Click HERE to see Youtube version.

I just found another great blog called: Stuff Christians Like... Here's a few sentences to wet your appetite : )
There are 12 billion reasons for me to write that sentence and 2 for me to not write it. The two are my in-laws, as this is bound to be the kind of post you hate for your mother-in law to read. And the ladies in her bible study aren't much better. But
So click here to read the rest of this really good post...

Lastly if you haven't checked out the website on our church series called My Lame Sex Life then click HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the video got taken off youtube before I could watch, gutting