Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Random Acts Of Kindness For Stu's 21st

You may remember my blog awhile back talking about Project Stu (if not... click HERE)...
anyways, today was the day that we hit the streets and did our little random acts of kindness.

We did something really small... really silly in humanistic terms... but something that hopefully threw people off balance enough to bring a smile.
We went around paying for people's parking meters. Most of the time we just did it before they even had a chance... before they had even made it out of the car. Sometimes the people engaged us... even had conversations and they told us about when they were able to 'bless' someone.

I must admit, it all felt a little silly and VERY random. But it was touching... freeing... and delightful.

Thank you Stu for breaking out the mold... and helping us to do the same!!!

I'd love to hear your comments and stories!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the idea, definately going to borrow it for my 25th