Saturday, 19 July 2008

Danny Guglielmucci One Liners

WE have the great privelege of having Pastor Danny Guglielmucci at our church this weekend. So I thought I'd share some of the great one liners that he has shared thus far from the Pastors lunch and the Staff and Elders Supper yesterday.

"When you're sent you go with authority.
When you're went you go with only your ability."

"Suspicion, insecurity and gossip are the three enemies of trust."

"Some people in church life contribute... others build."

"When we don't fuel the House... we rob it of achieving its purpose (the context is Malachi 3)."

"The degree to which you see Jesus, the degree to which you'll serve."

"We judge others by the evil in our own hearts."

"Your and determines your end."

"Unity flows from authority."

"I can't correct you until I can caress you."

Its been an amazing weekend thus far. I can't wait for what God has in store for us!

As I'm sure that many of you are aware that Mike Guglielmucci is fighting cancer. Actual Mike says that he is fighting for his destiny and he is letting God take care of his cancer.
Below is a phenominal song that is being played all over the world which Mike wrote when he learned that he had cancer.

And this is the story about the song:

Let me know your thoughts.

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